2011 m. gegužės 17 d., antradienis

Final self-assessment

During the second semester of my ESP class I had to do a lot of different tasks and exercises. In this last entry to my blog I would like to speak about all the difficulties and other experiences that I had this year.

Speaking. My favorite and most beloved tasks were speaking tasks. One of my strongest skill in English language is speaking. Although I would not say that my skills increased so much since I started my ESP classes, it improved more cause of my new work this semester. Sometimes the topics which we were given for short-talk I found a bit boring. I would say that most of impromptu speeches were really enjoying and negotiable. I could also say that power point presentation was quite fun too, I was given opportunity to improvise.

Writing. Cannot deny that writing is my other strong point. The idea of writing so many summaries was quite understandable because the more effort you put into the task the better you make it. Sadly, I found summary tasks quite too often and I didn't enjoyed writing them. Most of the times I just wrote summaries on the draft paper even not checking them, the idea that I will need to write a new summary frustrated me. Probably I lost motivation in this task at all.

Listening. Listening tasks were quite enjoyable because I can understand different accents without putting any effort into it so it was pretty easy for me. And during all this year I still can't tell what the difference between cassette and online listening is. Maybe the biggest difference that I noticed was quality of sound.

ESP vocabulary. There is always dry part of the science and ESP vocabulary is the best definition for it. You just need to learn it by heart and that's all. Sadly some definitions were quite hard because we didn't even learn them in Lithuanian language so it was quite difficult. The easiest part was moodle, because I had plenty of time to check answers. Class test online was quite easy too, because we checked all the words off topic at the start of lesson, so we had only to remember them. The hardest part was formal tests in class, there were so many definitions to learn that it was exhausting.

All in all, I would say that this English course reminded me of school times and improved my English even more. Some parts were difficult, some parts were even too easy, but the problem is that everyone's needs are different. I hope that my last but sincere contribution to this blog can be valuable.

2011 m. balandžio 27 d., trečiadienis


Self Esteem, how does one find it, low self esteem, how does one get it?
Esteem: (definition according to Webster's Dictionary) to value, appraise, estimate, to have great regard for; value highly; favorable opinion, high regard… 
To have low self esteem is to not value, or have high regard for yourself. People with low self esteem never feel in charge of their own lives. They often feel like victims. They feel like outsiders, left out, unimportant, etc.. 
However low self esteem has two faces. One is the personality that seems to always be the underdog, the under achiever, the negative one, the one who says I can’t, I couldn’t, I shouldn’t, I have to. The other face is the person who seems very confident, a take charge type of person, very in control, very opinionated, positional, and often in leadership positions. All of this bravado is still a face of low self esteem. This type of person, may exhibit any or all of these traits: when things go wrong, wants to eat other people alive, or is a perfectionist, demanding, and self centered, can’t take criticism, instruction, or direction, is very independent and self sufficient. They may be in leadership positions, and yet not be true leaders. This type of low self esteem will often deny that anything is wrong, because thinking they are in charge is their protection, yet truly being in charge of your life, eliminates anger, irritation, the desire to control others. 
When a person truly esteems themselves, will take 100% responsibility For their own lives. They let others make decisions for themselves without trying to be in control, and let others be responsible for their actions. Life lived right is a delicate balance, and we all need help maintaining this balance. 
What is the face of true self esteem? Those with true self esteem are in charge of their lives. They take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in their lives. If relationships are not working in their life, they ask, what is it in me that is attracting this type of person or what am I doing to create this situation, instead of blaming the other person,… if only they would, or could do this or that. If their finances are not what they desire, they ask what can I do to change this and they tap into their creative, intuitive side to do this. They do not waste time saying, there is never enough, if only I had a better job, if only, if only. They set about discovering why this is presently their situation. 
True self esteem values itself, it says, I can do, I can have, I can make my life what I desire it to be. Think of the Cartoon, Winnie The Poo Eore has no self esteem, he expects things to go wrong and they usually do. Tigger on the other hand, bounces through life, always hopeful, always on an adventure, even when his friends try to pull him in, he just sees the bouncy side of things. He exasperates those who need total order, or control. Tigger is truly, just Tigger. He loves his friends just as they are and even grouchy old rabbit can’t dampen his spirits. I love Tigger, though I certainly have had my Eore moments! If you get a chance, watch the cartoon or read a Poo book 
See who you identify with and who irritates you…. This week try and be aware of the times you feel uncomfortable, depressed, discouraged, irritated, frustrated, out of control, or the flip side, very independent, self sufficient, (don’t need any one else, I will do it myself, no one else can do it right), opinionated, critical, positional, and ask yourself, where am I not valuing myself. 
Get in touch with your true self which is perfect in every way. Your true self esteems who it is because it knows it was created perfect by a perfect creator. It is the false self that finds fault in who it is and lacks self esteem. Finding your Authentic or true self is the only adventure you can’t afford to miss in life.

Personality Test

 I’m going to speak about two personality tests that I have done. I’m going to analyze the results that I got and compare with my own view of my personality

First of all, I would like to say few words about the tests that I have done. The first one was Jung’s personality test. It shows four aspects: extraversion, sensing, feeling, judging. Second one was the “big 5” test.

I think that the results I got weren’t very surprising since I got the biggest score from Extraversion in both tests. And I cannot deny that, because I’m a really social person I like to communicate a lot, spend my time with friends. I’m also skilled in making speeches that’s why I was a show manager in my school.

Moreover, I got 69 points from Conscientiousness and I’m not surprised about this result too. Because whenever I have some spare time I’m just planning my actions, my day or other stuff that is really important for me.  I’m also very reliable and people know that, that’s why they are giving me important tasks because they count on me and they know I will do what needs to be done.

Next section was Neuroticism and Judging and the result was 9 points. I believe in this score only because I’m super calm person but I’m dissatisfied with the Judging results because I know myself and I often judge people if something is done incorrectly or their actions are not really very good from my point of view and I often say that to them.

The next step was Feeling and Agreeableness. My result was 60 and 69. The results show me that I understand feelings of other people. As far as I know that is really important for the profession of Psychologist. So I don’t see why I shouldn’t be dissatisfied with the result I got here. It’s connected with my future profession! What can be better?

Finally, the last one was openness to experience. And sadly it was only 32. This score disappointed me and maybe I didn’t understood question correctly or else I don’t know why the score is so low. I often try new things and activities. For example, once I even jumped with parachute out of plain…. So I just can’t believe with the result I got here.

All in all, both tests weren’t very long and I think that is very important because people often get bored while answering many questions and the answers are not very honest. The results I got were similar of both tests I suppose this confirms that the tests are valid and reliable. But in other hand everything depends on the mood people are doing them, maybe next time my results will be different if I do both test once more. 

Stress test

Yesterday I have done a stress test about which I’m going to speak now. The stress test that I have done consists of 3 different sections which is Quality of Life, Symptom Distress, Level of Functioning.

Results from Quality of Life in my test were – 4 out of 5. This score is high enough in my opinion because it reflects my daily self-esteem, health, family, work, university. I usually feel a lot of self-confidence and I believe in what I’m doing. Moreover, my health is great, I exercise a lot and mostly eat healthy food. This leads to success in work and in relationship. In despite that, my energy is not endless, sometimes I get home very tired because all day long I’m very busy.

Another part of the result was Symptom of Distress and I got 4.56 out of 5. Actually I’m not surprised that this score almost reaches the top because I’m rarely angry or depressed. That is because I’m very calm person and people really need a lot of effort to irritate me.

The last score was from Level of Functioning and I got 4.5 out of 5. This means that I get along in the community pretty easily. I like to communicate with people, and my job is connected with that. Moreover, even my profession that I have chosen in the university is based on communication with people. That’s probably why I got such a high score.

All in all, my Overall score was 4.33 out of 5. That means that I belong to the people who are functioning well and don’t feel they need professional counseling. I’m really happy about this result because that’s the first test that is in my opinion valid from the one’s we have done in the English class.

Top 3 happiest countries

Living in the worlds richest country inevitably puts a smile on your face! This small landlocked European country has an army of 800 people (yes, 800). They don’t have a navy nor an air force but together with Belgium they can afford to own 1 military cargo plane. According to the Guinness Book of World Records Luxembourg holds the world record as the country that consumes most alcohol in the world per citizen.
This geologically active country is rich in volcanoes and geysers (A geyser is a hot spring that erupts water in certain intervals). Thanks to geothermal power Iceland gets its electricity and hot water dirt cheap. There have been occasions where steel has been shipped for processing from Australia or Africa and when finished shipped back to the originating country. Cheap local energy actually makes this cost effective. According to the Human development index, Iceland (together with Norway) is the world’s most developed country.
This cheese and chocolate producing land is the world's 10th riches country. Switzerland’s neutrality helped their banks to raise some serious cash – for decades it was possible to open a bank account without having to identify yourself. Upon opening an account, you were given a special number that anyone could use to deposit or withdraw money. This law was later changed since it attracted illegal money. Switzerland is also one of the top garbage recyclers in the world (66% to 96% recyclable materials recycled). They achieve this by keeping recycling free, but asking money for regular garbage – thus giving people a financial incentive to recycle.


Giving Entire Cultures in Personality Test

Human being is very unique. Each human is a different personality with his own special abilities and various traits. The main question is are all people so different? Maybe there are cultural traits?

Nowadays there are existing stereotypes about each culture. For example British people is thought to be reserved and cold, Americans are extraverted, Japanese loyal. Recently all scientists created a test called NEO Personality Inventory test. This test consisted of short questionnaire on which respondents could indicate characteristics of typical member of their own culture. Test showed that stereotypes of each culture are outdated and not accurate.

All in all, the research proved that national character is a definition of how people within a culture see themselves, rather than of how they actually are

English Language Invasion

There are a lot of different languages in the world, each one of them is unique and special. And that is the main problem that causes confusion and mix of different languages. This problem is well know for Lithuanians because from XV century then Lithuania and Poland has, united together two different languages started to mix and there were many problems and disagreements between allies. In XV century ways of preserving language was rather brutal than now. So what are the main problems and how do other countries try to keep their language clean nowadays?
Many years China was in the shell hiding from the outer world. Recently she opened borders for foreign market and entertainment that caused a huge migration to China. The purity of Chinese language was damaged. A lot of foreign words, especially English, started to intrude and mix with Chinese language. French are fighting with the same problem. English language invaded into different areas such as press, and cinema. There were two suggestions for this problem. First one is to ban English words from the press and other public information sources and translate it into Chinese and the second solution was to make a footnote with French translation underneath. Nevertheless the English language continued the invasion. A lot of people agreed and supported the mix of different language. Chinese children were eager to learn English and demanded for English class in their school and French companies insisted that all the top meetings and documents should be in English so called “universal language”.  Moreover researchers said that mix of different languages is global phenomenon and it is a positive sign of cultural exchange and assimilation.
All in all, the mix of different languages is inevitable as the people became more cosmopolitan. Researches showed that people who are bilingual are more intelligent then the one’s who know only its native language. So it is a good idea to mix and teach more then one language but it is important to not forget your native language, because long ago there were people that sacrificed their lives to protect the culture and language of their country.

Stress Busters

Nowadays people are facing a lot of stressful situations. The problem is their daily hectic lifestyle. Stress can lead to many different diseases so it is better to avoid it. How people are coping with stress?

There are many ways to unwind everyday pressure. Usually people are setting off to gym after work and that is one of the best ways because after workout brains feel refreshed. Another solution would be to do what you like the most and where you can see result of your work. Of course, many people find their shelter from stress at home spending time with their families discussing the problems of the day. Many people also like to spend their time in the nature. For example, they are working in the garden or just simply watch the crushing waves of the sea.

All in all, there are many different ways how to cope with the stress that people face. They just have to do whatever they like the most and what is giving them pleasure or just letting them to forget the horrors of the day.